LOCATION | The property is located in the heart of the city, a 2-minute walk to Piotrkowska Street |
PERMITTED LAND USE | Residential/Services |
PLOT AREA | 5 683 SQM |
GUIDE PRICE | During valuation |
CONTACT E-MAIL | marcin.swiderski@orange.com, agnieszka.kedziora@orange.com |
Adopted parameters of the development may be subject to change resulting from a detailed analysis of the conditions of the planned investment in terms of meeting the requirements of the special law and other laws, including, among others, the construction law and technical conditions to which the buildings and their location should correspond, as well as individual opinions and agreements of competent authorities and units, as well as preferences and investment plans of the investor.
This information shall not be deemed to constitute an offer as defined in Article 66 and subsequent of the Law of 23rd April 1964 – Civil Code (O.J. 2019 item 1145 as codified) and shall be understood to represent purely informative value. Regardless of the place where it is presented, the present information shall be construed under the relevant provisions of the Polish law only