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Within the area of the NCL there are, among others: revitalized building of the first EC1 power plant in Łódź. The unique character of the place refers to the industrial past of the city.
Currently, EC1 performs cultural, artistic and educational functions. Inside, there are the largest Science and Technology Center in Poland and the most modern planetarium. The EC1 complex is also the seat of institutions associating artists and filmmakers - the Łódź Film Commission and the Center for Comics and Interactive Narration. An important point in the area of the New Centre of Łódź is the new underground Łódź Fabryczna station, which has become part of a multimodal transport hub, combining rail, long-distance bus, car and public transport.
The Kobro Market Square will be the most important public space of the New Centre of Łódź. The square will be surrounded on the one side by post-industrial architecture characteristic of Łódź, and on the other by new buildings. It will be a place of meetings and cultural events. An important point on the map of the New Centre of Łódź will also be the modern town hall building, where all municipal units will be located.